Tiles Documentation
Tiles is intuitive for students and does not require a great deal of explanation.
Users who know other Moodle formats will find that Tiles is quicker than usual (it uses fewer page loads) and more user friendly (it uses animation and remembers the last tile opened).

Tile content (and sub-tiles)
Activities and resources may be shown in sub-tiles format, or in standard Moodle list format, depending on the course setting applied by the teacher. Both options are shown in the image gallery here.
When a tile is clicked, the next tile’s content is loaded silently in the background too, so that it is ready for instant display if clicked.

Opening an activity
When the student clicks an activity, if the teacher has set the activity to open in a modal window, it will do so with an animation. The student can use the “Download” or “New Window” buttons on the modal window if they prefer.
If the student dismisses the modal, they will be returned directly to the tile content they were looking at before (no need to wait for a page reload).

Mobile responsiveness
The format is mobile responsive. The tiles adjust themselves to different screen sizes and orientations.
It works with iOS and Android.

Data preference
On first use, students will be asked to consent to data being stored in their browser. Very litte information is now stores, for example the id last section they had open will be remembered (and opened again) when they enter a course. (A previous version stored course content, but this proved impractical and was removed.)
If they change their mind about data storage later, there is a “Data Preference” button in the course menu that they can use (or if they clear their browser cache they will be asked again).
Disabling animation
The student can disable animation if they wish, using the “Animation off” course menu item. This is intended to provide an escape route for users who have compatibility issues. The choice will be remembered even when they log out.